
What is your favorite marvel character? Why?


What are your goals for junior year?

My goals for Junior year is to raise my GPA. And to help better Clevelands class of 2014 :)
Would you rather go bungee jumping or sky diving

Bungee jumping!!
What's one thing you're afraid of losing?

If you were given the chance to have a super power, which super power would you choose?

I would want to be able to absorb and control all elements (water, fire metal,etc)

Which came first the chicken or the egg? In complete detail explain why.

THE EGG!! because chickens are decendents from dinosaurs specifcally the t-rex and T-rex's lay eggs. So this means during some point in the dinosaur era a T-rex layed eggs and when the eggs hatched one of the babies came out with a mutation making it in likeness of our mordern day chicken. Then as time passed that mutated T-rex baby had babies passing down the genes that made it like our modern day chicken. and this genes being passed down repeated its self as its children grew and had children and their children grew and had children and so on. And now with the chicken like gene and some other scientifical junk we have the Mordern day chicken. So in order to get the chicken, The mutated dino egg came first...... Dinosaur, mutated dino egg, chicken!